Security | Privacy | Compliance



We share the best of our experience



We share the best of our experience

Strengthen your digital defenses with CyberAdviser's comprehensive security services, ensuring your organization remains resilient against the ever-evolving cyber threats.
Elevate your data protection standards with CyberAdviser's tailored privacy services, safeguarding sensitive information and fostering a culture of responsible data management.
Navigate regulatory complexities effortlessly with CyberAdviser's compliance services, ensuring your business meets industry standards and maintains a reputation of integrity.
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About Us

Welcome to Security Privacy Compliance Support

Welcome to the realm of Security, Privacy, and Compliance Support, where we are dedicated to enhancing your organizational resilience. Our comprehensive compliance management services serve as your committed guardians, diligently detecting gaps and uncovering vulnerabilities that might compromise your business’s integrity. With consistent dedication, we guide you in establishing and maintaining a robust compliance framework that seamlessly aligns with industry regulations.


What We Do?

GDPR Compliance

Our GDPR compliance service ensures your organization’s seamless adaptation to data protection regulations, safeguarding user privacy and mitigating risks in the evolving landscape of digital operations.

Vulnerability Assessment

Our vulnerability assessment service identifies and evaluates potential weaknesses in your systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of your digital security posture and enabling proactive risk mitigation.

Penetration Testing

Our penetration testing service employs ethical hacking techniques to simulate real-world attacks, uncovering vulnerabilities and enhancing your system’s resilience against cyber threats.

Risk Management

Our holistic security and privacy risk management approach empowers businesses to identify, assess, and mitigate potential threats, ensuring data protection and regulatory compliance.

Security and Privacy Audit

Our Compliance and Security Audit service offers an in-depth examination of your organizational processes, ensuring alignment with industry standards and regulatory requirements while enhancing overall security posture.


Our Privacy and Security Training service equips your team with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the challenges of data protection, fostering a culture of proactive security awareness.

Areas of Expertise:

We are the team of skilled security and privacy professionals who would be glad to share the best of our experience with you. Our core expertise lies in the domains of security, privacy, and compliance, where we excel in providing comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of each area.

Cyber Security

Our team is armed with an impressive array of security certifications, showcasing our commitment to delivering top-notch expertise. With credentials such as CISM, CISSP, CCSO, Network+, Security+, CCNA, CCNA Security, QGWAS, QGPC, QGVM, and Sophos Security Engineer, we bring a wealth of specialized knowledge to the table. These certifications underscore our comprehensive understanding of security practices, allowing us to craft tailored solutions that effectively mitigate risks and safeguard your digital landscape. We have quite an extensive experience with vulnerability management.

Process architecture

Our proficiency in process architecture is proved by our expert elaboration and customization of various critical processes. From asset management and security incident management to risk management, business continuity management, patch management, release management, and more, we have refined our skills to craft processes that are not only comprehensive but also finely tailored to your organization's unique requirements. Our adeptness in designing these protocols empowers your business to confidently navigate the ever-evolving landscape of security and compliance, ensuring smooth operations and the highest level of protection for your valuable assets.

Security testing

Our team possesses exceptional skills in the realm of Security Testing, with team members boasting a proven track record of conducting penetration tests across a diverse array of business systems. These encompass a spectrum of sectors, including online banking systems, payment card issuing/acquiring/processing systems, Forex trading platforms, online stores, web applications in the delivery and transportation sector, online educational platforms, plugins for Shopify, consumer finance credit institution infrastructures, and private websites. Our team members are equipped with distinguished certifications such as CEH and CPTE, and they have undergone rigorous professional trainings like OSCP or SANS. These qualifications underline their deep expertise in meticulously uncovering vulnerabilities and fortifying systems to ensure the highest levels of security for our clients.

Consultancy and training

Our team possesses extensive expertise in consultancy and training, exemplified by our successful track record in delivering a range of courses to academic institutions. These encompass specialized subjects such as Information Security Fundamentals, Computer Systems Security, Security of Web Applications, Network Security, and Business Continuity Management. Some of the security-related courses have been made available on the Udemy platform, reaching a broader audience eager to enhance their knowledge. Additionally, we have conducted security and privacy awareness trainings for B2B customers, equipping them with the insights necessary to navigate the pecularities of the digital landscape. With a client-centric approach, we stand ready to tailor our consultancy services to meet the unique needs of our customers, ensuring that they receive the expected level of guidance and support.

Compliance audits

Our team exhibits a robust skill set in Compliance Management and Audits, underscored by our team members' esteemed certifications in ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS auditor/lead auditor, PCIP, and ITIL. Our capabilities extend beyond these certifications; we are instrumental in driving the preparation of customer organizations for certifications like ISO 27001, CSA Star, and PCI DSS, while also priming them for assurance audits such as SOC2. In addition, we navigate the intricate landscape of legislative compliance encompassing NIS2, DORA, GDPR, CER, and more. Our flexible approach allows us to tailor our services to meet your specific needs, whether that involves preparing your organization for engagements or conducting internal audits to evaluate current gaps. At every step, our goal is to equip your organization with the tools and insights necessary to achieve and maintain compliance, thus enhancing your operational resilience and reinforcing your commitment to security and privacy.

Data Privacy

Our team possesses a strong skill set in Privacy Management, evidenced by team members who have effectively undertaken DPO responsibilities. We have a solid grasp of the nuances of GDPR and Schrems II requirements. Our team members hold certifications including CIPP/E and CIPM, reflecting our commitment to staying informed about privacy regulations and industry best practices. With this expertise, we are dedicated to assisting your organization in establishing a reliable privacy framework, ensuring responsible handling of personal data and cultivating an atmosphere of compliance and trust.

Cyber Security

Our team is armed with an impressive array of security certifications, showcasing our commitment to delivering top-notch expertise. With credentials such as CISM, CISSP, CCSO, Network+, Security+, CCNA, CCNA Security, QGWAS, QGPC, QGVM, and Sophos Security Engineer, we bring a wealth of specialized knowledge to the table. These certifications underscore our comprehensive understanding of security practices, allowing us to craft tailored solutions that effectively mitigate risks and safeguard your digital landscape. We have quite an extensive experience with vulnerability management.

Process architecture

Our proficiency in process architecture is proved by our expert elaboration and customization of various critical processes. From asset management and security incident management to risk management, business continuity management, patch management, release management, and more, we have refined our skills to craft processes that are not only comprehensive but also finely tailored to your organization’s unique requirements. Our adeptness in designing these protocols empowers your business to confidently navigate the ever-evolving landscape of security and compliance, ensuring smooth operations and the highest level of protection for your valuable assets.

Security testing

Our team possesses exceptional skills in the realm of Security Testing, with team members boasting a proven track record of conducting penetration tests across a diverse array of business systems. These encompass a spectrum of sectors, including online banking systems, payment card issuing/acquiring/processing systems, Forex trading platforms, online stores, web applications in the delivery and transportation sector, online educational platforms, plugins for Shopify, consumer finance credit institution infrastructures, and private websites. Our team members are equipped with distinguished certifications such as CEH and CPTE, and they have undergone rigorous professional trainings like OSCP or SANS. These qualifications underline their deep expertise in meticulously uncovering vulnerabilities and fortifying systems to ensure the highest levels of security for our clients.

Consultancy and training

Our team possesses extensive expertise in consultancy and training, exemplified by our successful track record in delivering a range of courses to academic institutions. These encompass specialized subjects such as Information Security Fundamentals, Computer Systems Security, Security of Web Applications, Network Security, and Business Continuity Management. Some of the security-related courses have been made available on the Udemy platform, reaching a broader audience eager to enhance their knowledge. Additionally, we have conducted security and privacy awareness trainings for B2B customers, equipping them with the insights necessary to navigate the pecularities of the digital landscape. With a client-centric approach, we stand ready to tailor our consultancy services to meet the unique needs of our customers, ensuring that they receive the expected level of guidance and support.

Compliance audits

Our team exhibits a robust skill set in Compliance Management and Audits, underscored by our team members’ esteemed certifications in ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS auditor/lead auditor, PCIP, and ITIL. Our capabilities extend beyond these certifications; we are instrumental in driving the preparation of customer organizations for certifications like ISO 27001, CSA Star, and PCI DSS, while also priming them for assurance audits such as SOC2. In addition, we navigate the intricate landscape of legislative compliance encompassing NIS2, DORA, GDPR, CER, and more. Our flexible approach allows us to tailor our services to meet your specific needs, whether that involves preparing your organization for engagements or conducting internal audits to evaluate current gaps. At every step, our goal is to equip your organization with the tools and insights necessary to achieve and maintain compliance, thus enhancing your operational resilience and reinforcing your commitment to security and privacy.

Data Privacy

Our team possesses a strong skill set in Privacy Management, evidenced by team members who have effectively undertaken DPO responsibilities. We have a solid grasp of the nuances of GDPR and Schrems II requirements. Our team members hold certifications including CIPP/E and CIPM, reflecting our commitment to staying informed about privacy regulations and industry best practices. With this expertise, we are dedicated to assisting your organization in establishing a reliable privacy framework, ensuring responsible handling of personal data and cultivating an atmosphere of compliance and trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

Protecting your business against cyber threats requires a multi-faceted and proactive approach that prioritizes cybersecurity preparedness. Here are key steps you can take to enhance your organization's defenses:

  1. Risk Assessment: Begin by identifying potential vulnerabilities and assessing the risk landscape specific to your business. Understand potential threats and their potential impact.
  2. Robust Security Policies: Develop comprehensive security policies and procedures that cover data protection, access controls, incident response, and more. Ensure that employees are trained to follow these guidelines.
  3. Employee Training: Train your employees on cybersecurity best practices, phishing awareness, and safe online behavior. Educated employees are your first line of defense.
  4. Strong Passwords: Enforce strong password policies and implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of protection.
  5. Regular Software Updates: Keep all software, operating systems, and applications up-to-date to patch vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals.
  6. Firewalls and Antivirus: Install firewalls and reliable antivirus software to monitor and prevent unauthorized access and malware infections.
  7. Secure Network: Set up a secure network architecture with proper segmentation to limit lateral movement for attackers.
  8. Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorized access even if data is compromised.
  9. Backup Strategy: Implement a regular data backup strategy to ensure critical data can be recovered in case of a breach or data loss.
  10. Incident Response Plan: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines steps to take in case of a cyber incident. Regularly review and update the plan.
  11. Third-Party Risk Management: Vet your vendors and partners for their cybersecurity practices, as their vulnerabilities could affect your business.
  12. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed.
  13. Phishing Protection: Implement email filtering solutions to reduce the risk of phishing attacks, which are a common entry point for cyber threats.
  14. Monitoring and Detection: Deploy intrusion detection and security monitoring systems to quickly identify and respond to suspicious activities.
  15. Employee Awareness: Foster a cybersecurity-conscious culture among your employees. Encourage reporting of any suspicious activities.
  16. Regulatory Compliance: Stay updated on relevant cybersecurity regulations and standards to ensure compliance and avoid legal ramifications.
  17. Cyber Insurance: Consider investing in cyber insurance to mitigate financial losses in the event of a cyber incident.
  18. Continuous Improvement: Cyber threats evolve constantly, so regularly review and update your cybersecurity measures to adapt to new threats.

By implementing these measures and adopting a proactive stance towards cybersecurity, you can significantly reduce the risk of cyber threats and enhance the overall resilience of your business against potential breaches.

Security and privacy are interconnected concepts, but they focus on distinct aspects of safeguarding digital information and user data.

Security: Security primarily concerns protecting digital assets and systems from unauthorized access, attacks, and breaches. It encompasses measures to prevent, detect, and respond to various threats, including cyberattacks, malware, and hacking attempts. Security involves implementing technologies, processes, and protocols that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Security measures include firewalls, encryption, access controls, intrusion detection systems, and security patches. The goal of security is to create a robust defense mechanism against external and internal threats, minimizing risks and vulnerabilities.

Privacy: Privacy, on the other hand, focuses on the rights and control individuals have over their personal data. It involves regulating how data is collected, used, shared, and stored by organizations. Privacy measures aim to respect individuals' autonomy and protect their sensitive information from misuse. Privacy considerations include obtaining informed consent for data collection, providing transparent privacy policies, offering mechanisms for data subjects to access and manage their information, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR. The goal of privacy is to maintain the confidentiality of personal data, empower individuals to have control over their information, and foster trust between organizations and their customers.

In essence, while security safeguards data and systems from various threats, privacy ensures that individuals' personal information is collected and handled ethically, giving them control over how their data is used. Both security and privacy are vital components of a comprehensive approach to digital well-being, promoting trust and responsible data management in today's interconnected world.

"Privacy by Design" is a fundamental approach to data protection that places privacy considerations at the core of any product, service, or system from its inception. It involves embedding privacy features and principles into the design and architecture of digital solutions, rather than addressing privacy as an afterthought. The concept emphasizes the proactive integration of privacy measures, ensuring that personal data is handled ethically and responsibly throughout its lifecycle.

In practical terms, Privacy by Design entails incorporating privacy considerations into every stage of development, from concept and design to implementation and operation. It involves minimizing data collection, enhancing user consent mechanisms, implementing robust security measures, and offering transparent information about data practices.

By adhering to the principles of Privacy by Design, organizations prioritize the protection of individuals' personal information and foster a culture of respect for user privacy. This approach not only helps businesses comply with regulations like GDPR but also builds trust among users, as they know their data is being handled responsibly. Ultimately, Privacy by Design promotes a harmonious balance between technological innovation and the ethical treatment of data, enhancing the overall integrity of digital products and services.

Ensuring GDPR compliance requires a comprehensive approach to handling personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards. To achieve compliance, follow these key steps:

  1. Understand the Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the GDPR's principles and requirements. Educate your team about the significance of protecting personal data and the consequences of non-compliance.
  2. Data Mapping: Identify and document all personal data your organization processes, including its sources, storage locations, and purposes. This mapping is crucial for managing data flows and understanding your data landscape.
  3. Legal Basis for Processing: Determine the legal basis for processing personal data. Ensure that you have a legitimate reason, such as consent, contractual necessity, legal obligation, vital interests, public task, or legitimate interests.
  4. Consent Management: If relying on consent, ensure that you obtain clear, informed, and unambiguous consent from data subjects. Implement processes for obtaining, managing, and revoking consent as needed.
  5. Privacy Notices: Create transparent and concise privacy notices that inform data subjects about how their data will be used, processed, and protected.
  6. Data Subject Rights: Establish procedures to facilitate data subject rights, including the right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction, portability, and objection. Respond to data subject requests within the stipulated timeframes.
  7. Data Protection Officer (DPO): Appoint a Data Protection Officer if required by the GDPR. The DPO is responsible for monitoring compliance, providing advice, and acting as a point of contact for data subjects.
  8. Vendor and Third-Party Agreements: Review agreements with vendors and third parties to ensure they comply with GDPR requirements. Contracts should outline data processing responsibilities and obligations.
  9. Data Breach Management: Develop a robust data breach response plan. In the event of a breach, promptly notify relevant authorities and affected individuals as required by the GDPR.
  10. Training and Awareness: Train your team on GDPR principles, compliance obligations, and the importance of protecting personal data. Foster a culture of privacy awareness.
  11. Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs): Conduct DPIAs for high-risk processing activities. Assess potential risks and implement mitigating measures to ensure compliance.
  12. Cross-Border Data Transfers: If transferring data outside the European Economic Area (EEA), ensure compliance with the GDPR's transfer mechanisms, such as Standard Contractual Clauses.
  13. Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation of your GDPR compliance efforts, including policies, procedures, assessments, and agreements.
  14. Regular Audits and Reviews: Conduct regular internal audits to assess ongoing GDPR compliance. Update your processes based on evolving regulatory changes and best practices.

Ensuring GDPR compliance requires a diligent and ongoing effort to protect personal data rights, maintain transparency, and uphold the highest standards of data protection. Consulting with legal and compliance professionals experienced in GDPR can also provide valuable guidance tailored to your organization's needs.

Conducting a security audit is a proactive and essential step to ensure the robustness of your organization's security measures. By performing a thorough security audit, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your current security posture. This process helps identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential entry points for cyber threats. Addressing these issues before they are exploited safeguards your valuable assets, sensitive data, and critical systems.


A security audit not only protects your organization from potential breaches but also demonstrates your commitment to safeguarding customer data and maintaining trust. It aids in uncovering gaps in your security protocols, enabling you to implement targeted improvements that align with industry best practices and regulatory requirements. Furthermore, a well-executed security audit contributes to optimized resource allocation, streamlined incident response, and informed decision-making.


In a rapidly evolving threat landscape, a security audit acts as a strategic investment in the long-term success and resilience of your business. It empowers you to proactively mitigate risks, prevent financial losses, and preserve your reputation. By regularly conducting security audits, you establish a culture of continuous improvement that ensures your organization remains vigilant, adaptable, and prepared to counter emerging cyber threats.

Absolutely, we are dedicated to serving businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. Our tailored services are designed to address the unique security, privacy, and compliance needs that small businesses often face. We understand that while the scale may differ, the importance of safeguarding your digital assets, ensuring regulatory compliance, and protecting customer trust remains constant.

Our services are scalable and adaptable, allowing us to provide practical solutions that align with your budget and requirements. We offer customized packages that cater specifically to the challenges faced by small businesses, helping you establish a strong security foundation, maintain privacy standards, and navigate compliance complexities without overwhelming resources.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your existing security measures, our expertise extends to businesses of all sizes. We are here to empower your small business with effective security, privacy, and compliance strategies, enabling you to operate confidently in the digital landscape while maintaining a competitive edge.

Should you have any challenges or questions you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to discuss your demands and expectations.